Two Maumee Episcopal clergy, Revs. Jeff Bunke and John Hagan, will be celebrating a “Pilgrim’s Mass” on Tuesdays and Fridays this summer, beginning May 21 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 310 Elizabeth St. Maumee at 7 am.

The two clergy, long-time friends since the 1970s, will be using the European model of celebrating a saints’ Day twice each week and encouraging those attending to treat each day as a journey.  The emphasis at each Eucharist will focus on the daily pilgrimage each of us takes as we walk with Christ in our own faith journey. 

The services will be about 35 minutes in length. Beginning May 21, every Tuesday and Friday morning this summer from 7-7:35 am at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 310 Elizabeth St., Maumee (419) 893-3381. Open to all, especially those on their journey.