There is still an opportunity for you to explore all the varied ministries of St. Paul’s, from Altar Guild to Youth Group. Learn more about who we are and what we do by getting involved. There are still many ministry opportunities available in the following categories. For those that are interested, feel free to use the link above to sign up for the ministry of your choice. We look forward to working with new faces!
List of ministries St. Paul’s has to offer
- Gift to the Christ Child
- Christmas Auction
- Halloween Trunk or Treat
- Prayer Shawl
- Music
- Vacation Bible School
- Christian Education
- Lectors
- Emergency Fund/UOR
- Chalice Bearers
- Acolytes
- Ushers
- In-reach
- Outreach
- Altar Guild/Altar Flowers
- Youth Group
- Prayer Chain
- Fellowship
- Coffee Hour
- Tables of Eight
- Eden’s Bounty Garden