We are pleased to introduce Angela Coleman as our new parish secretary.
From Angela: “I come from a background in customer service with a good dose of secretarial skills. I have been married for 37 years and have one daughter. My hobbies include reading, making pies, and quilting.”
Angela’s hours will be 9am to 1pm Monday thru Friday. Her email is office@stpaulsmaumee.org.
Please offer Angela your introduction and welcome. Marissa will continue to serve as parish secretary until late May. She graduates next week from Bowling Green State University with a major in Fashion Marketing. Please offer your blessing and prayers to Marissa as she embarks on her new career. She has done a great job for us.
FYI. The vestry has approved new building security protocols. The doors will remain locked during preschool hours to help keep our children and staff safe. Members of the parish may enter the building with assistance from Angela or Paul during office hours 9am – 1pm. After 1pm, you may have difficulty entering unless you have been issued your own card FOB or you are expected with an appointment to meet with Paul or parish staff. The point here is that preschool staff will NOT assist you. It is best if parish staff, such as Angela, or Paul, know that you are coming. Also, the building is generally unlocked in the evenings for parish events, such as bible study or AA meetings.
Peace, Paul+