We are sponsoring America Cares for Ukranian Children throughout January.  This will be our fourth annual round to support AC4UC.  We began supporting them in July 2022 after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Craig and Tatyana Burns will present during the sermon at both services on January 19.

Even when the war ends, let us pray it ends soon, there is still much work to do in recovery of people’s lives. America Cares for Ukrainian Children (AC4UC) is a charity based in Northwest Ohio that provides aid to Ukrainian children affected by the Russian invasion. Craig and Tatyana Burns are the founders of AC4UC. They are also preschool parent alumni. Tatyana was born in Ukraine and has immediate family living there.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider a gift to AC4UC. You may give to St. Paul’s by check or online. Or, you may give directly to the AC4UC website at https://americacaresforukrainianchildren.org/