Families are in need of our assistance – please remember the needs of others this Christmas. You may be aware of a family that needs our help: a family struggling to meet medical bills, a family just needing a helping hand this holiday season. Please think of Angel Tree being the vehicle to help.
Due to Covid 19, we have had so many changes during 2020, and Angel Tree also has changes. This year we will only be giving gift certificates, i.e. restaurants, grocery stores, Amazon (for gifts for children and other items), and/or gas cards. Therefore, please consider writing a check to St. Paul’s with Angel Tree in the memo. These dollars will be used to purchase needed gift cards.
Forms are now available for parishioners to fill out for applicants to Angel Tree. The forms are found on the link in the Angel Tree article in the November Communicant and will be available in the office. Many people find it difficult to answer committee members’ questions, therefore we are asking the parishioner to fill out the form completely since you are the one that knows the applicant.
Please turn in forms by Monday, November 30th, to the office or an Angel Tree Committee member.
If you have questions please contact Kathy Greene at 765-977-6863 or kjgsail@gmail.com.