2024 Book Study: When Church Stops Working

Sundays at 9AM What if the solution for the decline of today’s church isn’t more money, people, programs, innovation, or busyness? What if the answer is to stop and wait on God? In When Church Stops Working, ministry leaders Andrew Root and Blair Bertrand...

Adult Sunday School

Stay Awhile: Advent Lessons in Divine Hospitality While the world tries to rush us into Christmas, decorating the day after Halloween and packing it all up once the gifts are opened on December 25, Advent is a season of preparation that—like our holiday gatherings...

Presentation of Story Bibles to Young Children

SPARK Story Bibles for Children Age 3+ Join us at the 10:00 service on August 27th as we present Story Bibles to children and their growns-ups. When we baptize children, we promise to support the parents/guardians and godparents in teaching the faith to the children....

November Community Dinner

Community Dinners You’re invited this Sunday to dinner with the MultiFaith Council from 5:30-7:30 PM, right here at St. Paul’s. Please bring a labeled dish for the potluck; after dinner, choose your own adventure from a variety of programming options,...

Adult Christian Education

Sunday Morning Adult Education Zoom Link Adult Class: 9:00-9:50 in the Skylight Room To prepare for the Adult class on 11/26, please listen to podcast 5 in the series on Generosity here. During the first 3 Sundays in Advent, we will study the book “Stay Awhile:...