Refugee Sponsorship

Refugee Sponsorship St. Paul’s will be working with Episcopal Migration Ministries to bring a refugee family to NW OH this fall. We have completed our Welcome Plan and are waiting for EMM to give us details about the next...

Sunday Christian Education

Godly Play and More: Aged 3-4th grade. Meets outside the double doors after Communion at the 10:00 service for about 20 minutes.  Youth Class: Grades 5-12. Meets 11:15-11:45 in the Skylight Room. Our lessons will be based on the lectionary readings for the day. Adult...

Bible Study

Drop In Any Time! Bible Study is a one-hour meeting with a group of people going deep into the Bible to learn its wisdom and apply it to our lives. There are podcasts you can listen to in advance to have a shared background, or you can just hop on, listen to a summary...

Tables of 8

Interested individuals or couples are invited to sign up for this time of intentional relationship-building with your fellow parishioners. Groups of eight people are formed with the expectation that they will meet at least four times in the next year for dinner,...

St. Paul’s Elizabeth Guild

Join the new St. Paul’s Elizabeth Guild! We meet the third Saturday of each month from 1-2:30 in the Guild Room to knit or crochet (or craft however you please) cold weather gear for unhoused people in the area. Tea and snacks are provided and it’s open to all skill...