We are called to love our neighbors

Join Us in Standing with Immigrants! We are called to love our neighbors and walk in faith together. As part of our mission, we invite you to sign up and show solidarity with our immigrant brothers and sisters. Adding your name affirms our shared commitment to...

Lent Series

Sign up here to bring a potluck dish (any week) Wednesdays in Lent beginning March 12th We start with a parish potluck at 6 PM followed by an exploration of “Trauma Informed Ministry.” What does it mean to be “trauma-informed,” and how do these principles...

St. Paul’s Elizabeth Guild

Join the new St. Paul’s Elizabeth Guild! We meet the third Saturday of each month from 1-2:30 in the Guild Room to knit or crochet (or craft however you please) cold weather gear for unhoused people in the area. Tea and snacks are provided and it’s open to all skill...