Jun 28, 2018 | Christian Education
I am humbled, honored, and truly excited to begin my new position as Director of Christian Formation. (see the rector’s announcement here) We will explore what this entails practically for St. Paul’s in the coming months, but for now, I’d like to...
Apr 25, 2018 | Christian Education
By Jennifer Vasquez The next several sessions of adult Sunday School are going to use a combination of resources to create a course on public theology. But what is public theology, and why are we discussing it in “Just ASK”? Let me address the elephant...
Jan 1, 2018 | Christian Education
A Sermon Preached by Jennifer Vasquez, D.Min. on the Fourth Sunday of Advent, 2107 Advent IV Sermon Happy 4th Sunday of Advent! I feel a lot of pressure to deliver an excellent sermon this morning to reward your dedication for coming to church the morning of...