Refugee Sponsorship

Refugee Sponsorship St. Paul’s will be working with Episcopal Migration Ministries to bring a refugee family to NW OH. Unfortunately, they did not arrive before the inauguration, and the President has ended refugee resettlement. Whenever they are given travel...

Sunday Christian Education

Godly Play and More: Aged 3-4th grade. Meets outside the double doors after Communion at the 10:00 service for about 20 minutes.  Youth Class: Grades 5-12. Meets 11:15-11:45 in the Skylight Room. Our lessons will be based on the lectionary readings for the day. Adult...

St Paul’s Book Club

You’re invited to join St. Paul’s Book Club. We meet virtually via Zoom on the second and fourth Tuesday at 6:30 pm, and we read one book a month from a variety of different genres. You don’t need to join in for every book discussion; we have people who come because...

Harriet Jukes: Her Story

We are excited to share a new essay from Marty Wendler.  She has authored, “Harriet Hole Jukes: Her Story.”  We have published her essay on the parish website for everyone to enjoy.  History tends to focus on men and their stories.  Marty has taken an interest in the...

Many Voices Book Discussion

Many Voices Book Discussion Please join us for a social justice book discussion! Every two months we choose a new non-fiction book to read. We meet on the second Thursday of each month via Zoom to discuss our progress. If you have any questions, contact Jaimie Deye....

Bible Study

Drop In Any Time! Bible Study is a one-hour meeting with a group of people going deep into the Bible to learn its wisdom and apply it to our lives. There are podcasts you can listen to in advance to have a shared background, or you can just hop on, listen to a summary...