Screening and Panel Discussion on this Important Issue
The Episcopal Church and Presiding Bishop Curry have expessed concern for the conditions of asylees at the US/Mexico border for some time. (Click here to read more about TEC’s statements.)
Some of you know that I participate in the NW Ohio Immigrants’ Rights Network, a group of local faith leaders and other organizers working on immigration reform. We are co-sponsoring the following event, which involves a presentation and panel discussion. It should be heart-rending but very important and worth your time.
Peace, Deacon Jennifer Vasquez
Wednesday, September 30
7:00 PM
Join us for a virtual screening of “The Flores Exhibits” featuring the testimony of migrant children held in U.S. detention facilities in Texas in June of 2019 – created by Waterwell and the Broadway Advocacy Coalition. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion and a Q&A session.
Featuring Guest Speakers:
Luis Guerra, Strategic Capacity Officer for the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLINIC)
Lee Sunday Evans, Artistic Director, Waterwell
Mark Heller, Attorney with Advocates for Basic Legal Equality (ABLE)
Free and open to the public.
Register to participate via Zoom: https://bgsu-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZArdeGtrDgvE9c-MxzjnVYTIB6r2uWxAgVv
The event will also be streamed live on Facebook.
Presented by: La Conexion in collaboration with The Latin American & Latino/a/x Studies Cluster at the BGSU Institute for the Study of Culture and Society and the NW OH Immigrant Rights Network.
Learn more about “The Flores Exhibits” at https://flores-exhibits.org/