December 18, 2023
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! This season is my favorite time of year! But let me be honest and say my joy is nostalgic for Christmas’ past. It is love for the Christmastide of my childhood and my children, who are grown now. The stressors of adult Christmas are less fun. They are sometimes even dreadful, like credit card debt, gift obligations, deadlines, and more reasons to feel worn out.
Most of us love the season and I certainly do. Unfortunately, some of us are miserable at Christmas and the principal reason is loneliness. As a priest, I see it plainly. Christmas is a family holiday. When the family is not around, then Christmas can be lonely and depressing.
I write to the whole congregation, not just individual members who might feel alone. Let church be your family. Let each of us pay attention to everyone who might be feeling left out of Christmastide. The way to do this is to be here.
Christmas is more holy when we share it together. Come to church for Christmas. Hear the Scriptures read and the Gospel preached. Let us sing the carols together. May your heart be filled with Christmas spirit at church. May your Christmastide be filled with joy and peace!
Merry Christmas,