Formation Corner
Here are some opportunities for formation:
Be sure to tune in to the National Cathedral’s service this Sunday to hear Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III preach the sermon. Click here for the Youtube channel to view the livestream.
The Poor People’s Campaign, A National Call for Moral Revival video is still available to view here .
The Bible project’s podcasts on Apocalyptic Literature are very interesting and so relevant today (maybe not in the way you would imagine, however!). You might be suprised at how this series covers so much of the Bible and its important themes. You can listen to the series on your favorite podcast app, or click here: apocalyptic-literature.
It isn’t too late to particpiate in the YWCA’s 21 Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge. You will receive a daily email with videos and articles to learn more about racial oppression.
Walking with you on Jesus’ Way of Love,
Deacon Jennifer Vasquez

Daily Prayer for All Households
(Children, youth, and adults)
Click here for an easy resource for daily prayer at home. It includes a brief Bible reading (Psalm), prayers, history, spiritual writings, and a song — and it can be prayed in less than ten minutes.

Composting is a great way to keep food scraps out of the landfill and also create “black gold” to put on your own garden plants. There are a few different ways to compost, but a few common tricks include:
1. Only compost fruit and vegetable scraps; no meat or dairy products. Eggshells and coffee grounds are OK.
2. You will need to balance the “browns” (dry leaves, cardboard) and “greens” (kitchen scraps), usually 3 parts brown to 1 part green.
3. You might need to water or stir (rotate) your compost pile.
Interested in getting started, but need a compost bin? They are available for purchase from the Soil and Water Conservation District, whose office is on Dudley Street! Click here to see what is available.
There are lots of sites for more information, and several master gardeners within our parish who can answer your questions! Here is a basic introduction. For more detailed information, here is an article from