A Message from Todd Deye
How do we fund the operations of the church? — With your pledge.
Today St. Paul’s expense line is over $500,000, excluding Elizabeth Wayne Preschool and Under One Roof Food Pantry as these ministries are self-supporting. The money that you pledge enables us to afford staff, the gas bill, electric, cleaning, insurance, liturgical supplies, maintenance, and so on.
St. Paul’s is fortunate to have past and present members who had the foresight to establish and fund endowments. However, many of the endowments are restricted in order to help us to shoulder the costs of major maintenance tasks and capital improvements like a new boiler, roof, or unexpected building issues. Other endowments help to build God’s kingdom by providing money to care for those in need. There is only one endowment that can assist with day-to-day operation of the parish, the Operating Endowment, but it is unwise for us to see that as a significant source of funding.
It is our responsibility as active members of St. Paul’s to pay for the regular operation of our parish. This is what your pledge does, it creates a space for us to gather and allows for resources to be a vibrant parish.
The included pie chart shows you exactly how our money is used within the 2024 budget.