World Perspectives Discussion Group
Next Meeting
Sunday, November 29
7:00-8:00 PM
Topic: Finding Common Ground in a Divisive Time
2. Nudges to American unity
We are excited to talk about these topics and hope you will join us!
Here is a history of our dialogue meetings:
Our next-door neighbors in Maumee are the First Church of Christ, Scientist. We enjoyed getting to know many of those folks during a Community Dinner last year. Now, they have asked us to join them in study together to continue to build our relationships and to grow in faith and love.
Our first topic was “Isolation, Loneliness, and Marginalization” – an appropriate theme for our current situation!
Click here to read the articles that we discussed together. If you have any trouble viewing the article, Jennifer can send it to you as a document.
We had a wonderful conversation about ways that we could address loneliness in Maumee. Could seniors be paired with youth who need mentoring for FaceTime conversations? What about a poetry contest for clients and volunteers of Under One Roof food pantry? There were so many ideas. Do you want to be a part of this community effort? Contact Jennifer to get involved!
Our July meeting was also a wonderful conversation about national service and jobs, especially for young adults. Here are the readings we discussed:
St. Pauls.Maumee CS church.discussion for July 19, 2020 (1)
Critical Thinking Summary Slides
Our September meeting focused on the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage. It took 3 generations of activists to get the 19th amendment passed! The social conditions in 1920 were remarkable similar to what we experience now. This led to a discussion of many important social issues and how we might engage them in the future.