Permission to reprint, podcast, and stream the music in the service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-72916. If you experience livestream trouble, try our Vimeo Channel directly here.
There will not be a livestream for this Sunday.
How do we fund ministry?
How do we fund the operations of the church?
“Walk in Love” Stewardship Campaign
The Stewardship Committee is engaged in the important and holy work of asking each of us to prayerfully consider our offerings of time, talent, and treasure for 2025. This annual expression of our faith is vital to preserve and grow our St. Paul’s community.
Angel Tree
Submit names for the Angel Tree to the church office or Kathy Greene by November 17th.
Equality Toledo LGBTQ+ Inclusion Training
You’re invited on Nov. 10th to “Safe Space,” a comprehensive training designed to foster LGBTQ+ inclusivity and understanding in
our community.