Contribute to school kits for Lutheran World Relief
Around $600,000 worth of supplies was lost in the explosion in Lebanon. Can you help to replace these important items? We will begin accepting at our Back-to-School Blessing on August 23.
Formation Corner
Here are some formation updates:
Reconciliation Team will not meet August 17 but will meet August 24 instead. All are welcome to join us to discuss anti-racism efforts in our parish and community. We also are reading together Ibram Kendi’s book, How to be Anti-Racist.
ChurchNext is an online formation platform for adult education that we will be using this fall thanks to a subscription from the Diocese of Ohio. We will continue our test of this platform on August 26 and September 2 while we explore the course, “Bringing Worship to Life” (note there will not be a meeting on August 19). Check our website on Wednesday for the Zoom link.
Walking with you on Jesus’ Way of Love,
Deacon Jennifer Vasquez