Formation Corner
Here are some opportunities for formation:
The Episcopal Church offered a series of 3 webinars last week called “Becoming Beloved Community Now.” Don’t worry if you missed them: all of the webinars were recorded! A summary and the recordings can be found here.
Did you know that St. Paul has been visiting some house churches of our members? He shares his testimony and wisdom, and our members share their wisdom with others as well. Click here to see the first pictures and letters from St. Paul’s adventures!
ChurchNext is an online formation platform for adult education that we will be using this fall thanks to a subscription from the Diocese of Ohio. We will host a pilot class on Wednesdays during August at 7 PM to test out the new system. Contact Jennifer V. to participate, or check our website on Wednesday for the log-in information.
Walking with you on Jesus’ Way of Love,
Deacon Jennifer Vasquez