Formation Corner
Here are some opportunities for formation:
Interested in a daily devotional for students, or looking for a special back-to-school blessing? Check out d365, an online devotional resource. Each day has brief materials to help you “pause, listen, think, pray, and go.”
Did you know that St. Paul has been visiting some house churches of our members? He shares his testimony and wisdom, and our members share their wisdom with others as well. Click here to see pictures and letters from St. Paul’s adventures!
ChurchNext is an online formation platform for adult education that we will be using this fall thanks to a subscription from the Diocese of Ohio. We have begun to test the system with a class from Bishop Curry on”Crazy Christians,” meeting again this Wednesday at 7 PM. Contact Jennifer V. to participate, or check our website on Wednesday for the Zoom link.
Walking with you on Jesus’ Way of Love,
Deacon Jennifer Vasquez