Formation Corner
Here are some opportunities for formation:
The Episcopal Church is offering a series of 3 webinars this week on efforts to live out the “Becoming Beloved Community” initiative. They will take place Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 4-6 PM and each has a different focus. Click here for more information or to register (remember most webinars will send recordings in case you can’t attend at that time).
Click here to view an interview with Ibram Kendi, author of Stamped from the Beginning and How to be Anti-Racist that our Reconciliation Team attended.
Wondering how you can engage in advocacy during the pandemic? The Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations has a lot of helpful information, webinars, advocacy alerts, and other programs to help. Click here for their resources.
ChurchNext is an online formation platform for adult education that we will be using this fall thanks to a subscription from the Diocese of Ohio. Check out the classes offered at and let Jennifer know what class or track you would like for St. Paul’s to offer in August.
Walking with you on Jesus’ Way of Love,
Deacon Jennifer Vasquez