Formation Corner

Season of Creation
Remember to submit your photographs, paintings, or poetry about creation by TODAY (Sept. 20) for inclusion in the montage!
Last week we hung a bat house and potted some butterfly weed. Click here to see the photos and a video Linda Schellentrager made about bat houses!

September 20 is "Anti-Racism Sunday"
Anti-Racism Sunday will be an opportunity for Christians to declare in the clearest and most decisive ways, that racism is a sin, an affront to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and is a clear and present danger to African Americans, all People of Color, and to all who desire a future of peace and progress for all. Through worship, learning , and fellowship on Anti-Racism Sunday, participating Christians will draw upon the teachings of Jesus Christ to commit themselves to working with other Christians and people of other faiths to detect, disrupt, and dismantle racism in all its forms.
Click here to see the events planned, including an afternoon livestream.

Click here for a weekly children and family lesson from "This is NOT Sunday school."
This is the last week to make a school kit for Luthern World Relief to replace those lost in the explosion in Beirut! Drop off basket is in the library. Click on the image to see the instructions for making kits.
Click on the classroom for additional formation resources.