Formation Corner
Here are some opportunities for formation:
The Poor People’s Campaign, A National Call for Moral Revival held its Moral March digitally on June 20. The three-hour video full of advocacy priorities and stories from those affected will be rebroadcast at 6 PM on Sunday, June 21. Go to to view the video or get involved.
Have you heard of the Bible Project? They are a great resource for digging deep into the historical and literary context of Biblical texts. They have brief (but full) videos, at-home studies, articles, and podcasts covering the books of the Bible as well as genres and themes. There is also a resource for your small groups (friends, family) that includes a video clip, reading, and some discussion questions. Click here for their website.
Interested in doing the work of anti-racism? Sign-up to participate in the YWCA’s 21 Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge. If you sign up and want to talk with others about your experience, we can create a small group to do so!
Walking with you on Jesus’ Way of Love,
Deacon Jennifer Vasquez

Daily Prayer for All Households
(Children, youth, and adults)
Click here for an easy resource for daily prayer at home. It includes a brief Bible reading (Psalm), prayers, history, spiritual writings, and a song — and it can be prayed in less than ten minutes.

Environmental Stewardship Team News
Our Team has been looking at the theme of PLANTS so today we will talk about Victory Gardens! How many of you were inspired by the pandemic or environmental reasons to plant a vegetable or herb garden this year? What have you planted? What have you harvested so far?
It’s not to late to grow summer and fall crops! Click anywhere in this box for an article with steps to growing a victory garden.