St. Paul’s 2025 stewardship campaign launches with this year’s theme “Walk in Love”
Paul , Vestry, and our Stewardship Committee are engaged in the important and holy work of asking each of us to prayerfully consider our offerings of time, talent, and treasure for 2025. This annual expression of our faith is vital to preserve and grow our St. Paul’s community.
If you currently pledge, or are considering pledging for the first time, you know our planned contributions are central to what it means to be actively Christian, with all pledges valued as personal expressions of faith and loving intention.
As in the past, there will be announcements with further details in the weeks ahead. Meanwhile, some of our committee members will be offering in The Communicant how they see, and have seen, “Walk in Love” manifested at St. Paul’s.
Jerry Martz offers:
“When I reflect on ways that we “Walk in Love” together, literally walking into St. Paul’s comes to mind. Walk through either front door and each entrance leads to the vestibule where historic dedication plaques and artifacts are displayed. Like others I suppose, I take them for granted. But take a few seconds to read one or two. They remind us of the heartfelt love and dedication that those with us, and before us, have given in the name of loved ones at St. Paul’s Episcopal.
A few steps further and at the back of the sanctuary we’re greeted with more plaques that testify to our love of God, love of others, and love of our traditions. Glance at each hymnal’s front cover to see dedications, lovingly expressing personal tributes. And what could be more traditional than the Book of Common prayer with personal dedications inside each volume? We’re surrounded by testimonials to Christian love in our history and traditions.
Marty Wendler, in her introduction to Beacon in the Wilderness, offers “…(St. Paul’s history) is the story of a small group of dedicated people who petitioned for a religious outpost in the wilderness…”. It’s our blessing to extend that same dedication to our 21st century version of serving real physical and spiritual needs in our communities.
I hope we’ll have a new awareness of our history and traditions as we “Walk in Love” through our buildings and campus, where even more dedication plaques hang. We’re blessed by our history, and our traditions, as together we faithfully build the future of St. Paul’s. Our 2025 pledges of time, talent, and treasure continue to make that possible. Episcopal tradition is one aspect of our “Walk in Love” at St. Paul’s. Other Stewardship Committee members will offer how it thrives in our hearts and manifests itself in many important ways in the name of Jesus Christ at the corner of Elizabeth and Wayne.”