Christian Education “explores how to transfer the whole Christian language system, which implies a way of life and spiritual development, from one generation to another” (Jerome Berryman, The Spiritual Guidance of Children).
Much of the programming for children and families is on hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to new opportunities to learn and grow together, hopefully in 2021
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church seeks to come alongside children, youth, and adults as we all journey through life together. Christian Education programming is provided to explore the stories of faith and how they relate to our daily lives. Opportunities include Sunday School classes for ages 3 through adults, women’s and coed Bible studies, intergenerational events, retreats, and much more.
Sunday School
Sunday School takes place most Sundays during the school year from 11:30-12:30. Classes are divided according to age or developmental level, although at least once a quarter we hold intergenerational lessons in the parish hall.
Godly Play (ages 3 through 2nd grade): Godly Play is a Montessori-based religious education curriculum that uses hands-ons manipulatives to tell the stories of God’s people. Children wonder about the stories together and then respond through self-selected work opportunities. Teachers: Michelle and Marty Baker, Jennifer Hoelzer, Julie Kenyon, Emily Ramge, and Lindsay Sachs.
Connect (grades 3-5): Explore the Bible stories, from Genesis to Revelation, using hands-on activities and applications. This class meets in the Library. Teacher: Amy Fidler and Carol Sachs.
Youth Group (Grades 6-12): Junior and Senior High students meet together to support one another in prayer and to learn the stories of God. The class will focus on one Biblical story per week using the book We Make the Road by Walking by Brian McLaren as a spine. Class meets in the Youth Room in the basement.
Adults: Adults continue to be active disciples of God, learning about a variety of topics through our Sunday School series, “Just ASK: Adults Seeking Knowledge,” which meets in the Skylight Room.
Intergenerational Lessons
Intergenerational lessons take the place of Sunday school and allow all students the chance to learn and grow together. Sometimes these lessons involve big group learning; other times, they are festivals with activity stations for perusal. Each year we typically have a Ministry Fair, All Saints’ Day lesson, Advent Workshop, Epiphany Party, Lent Festival, and Pentecost lesson.
Adult Education Programs
Adult bible study led by the rector, Wednesdays at 7 PM, as scheduled
Girlfriends in God – a women’s study, meets Wednesdays seasonally. See Michelle Baker or the newsletter for the current study or for additional events such as movie nights or retreats.
Small Groups – Adults are invited to participate together in semester-long Small Groups meeting in homes, studying Bible stories, and discussing how they intersect with lived experiences. Sign-ups take place in the fall at the Ministry Fair and in the winter through sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.
Sacred Ground Dialogue Circle – This anti-racism curriculum published by the Episcopal Church tackles the issues of institutional racism and white supremacy through a historical and sociological analysis of society. New circles will form as there is interest.
Children’s Chapel – Ages 3-6
Children’s Chapel is available on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month during the school year. Beginning at 10:00, children are introduced to the liturgy through a child-friendly explanation of the parts of the worship service. Children sing, pray, collect an offering, and experience a Bible story. During the sign of peace at the 10:00 worship service, the children are led to the sanctuary so they may experience the rest of the service with their families and congregation.
Liturgical Arts
As part of learning to lead worship and experience God through the arts, all ages are invited to participate in our Puppet Ministry, Liturgical Dance team, Chimes Choir, or other worship enhancements!