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Episcopal Church Racial Justice Audit
On April 19th the Episcopal Church released an audit that is almost three years in the making, giving insight into race and power in the church, with nine patterns of systemic racism and eight recommendations moving forward. There are three upcoming webinars you can attend to learn more.
Racial Justice Audit Informational Webinar
Register and attend the second in a series of three informational webinars covering the findings of the Episcopal Church’s Racial Justice Audit Report. The Racial Justice Audit: The 9 Dominant Patterns: Tuesday, June 1, 2021, at 6:00 pm. Click to register.
Faith Formation in the Home
Dr. Jennifer Vasquez has been creating videos that talk about family faith formation and how to practice faith at home. Check back regularly for new videos and resources!
This Little Light of Mine
The Environmental Stewardship Team has organized a fundraising campaign to purchase new LED tubes to retrofit the existing fixtures throughout the church. This was a recommendation from the 2019 Energy Audit. Please consider contributing to this great cause!
Book Club Meeting
The St. Paul’s Book Club is currently reading The Break Up Book Club by Wendy Max. We use Zoom through the church account at 6:30PM on Tuesday evenings. Beginning June 1st through August we will be meeting every other week.
Weekly St. Paul’s Parish Picnic
Let’s have a picnic! In fact, let’s picnic every week. To be held every Wednesday through the summer at Side Cut Metropark at 6PM. Bring your own food and table service. Look for Paul on the river side near the playground. Click for more info.