Permission to reprint, podcast, and stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-729516
Bible Study with the Rector
We have begun the Gospel of John. It is a facsisnating read. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm in a hybrid format. We are both in-person and online. It’s okay if you miss. Please come back or start up. Click here to join.
Virtual Christmas Auction
We will be going live on Tuesday, December 7th at 7 pm. We have extended bidding until Saturday, December 11th at 7 pm. We are accepting donations in the library until Saturday, December 4th at noon.
If you have questions please contact Ana Ashton at 586-822-5931, Kathy Greene at 765-977-6863 or Amy Fidler at 419-410-9117.
Poinsettia Memorial Flowers
We are accepting contributions for Poinsettia Memorial Flowers to be given to God’s glory at the Christmas services. Parishioners desiring to make a special offering are asked to fill out this form and place it in the alms basin or turn it into the church office no later than Sunday, December 19. Click here for more info.
Book Club Meeting
Please join our continuing Book Discussions. We meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:30. You don’t need to join in for every book discussion! We have people who come because they are interested in a particular book.