Digital Coffee Hour

You are invited to a digital Coffee Hour!  Join us on Sundays at 10:30 for fellowship in small groups and keep our community strong despite the distance. The easiest way to join is to click the following link from your computer. Your computer will need to download...

Sixth Sunday of Easter – May 17

Paul's Sermon Morning Prayer Lectionary Offertory Formation Corner Virtual Coffee Hour Click here for a printable PDF of the service bulletin for Morning Prayer. We wish God’s peace and blessing on our graduates and their families! Ben Martz Will Robinson...

Fifth Sunday of Easter – May 10

Paul's Sermon Morning Prayer Lectionary Offertory Formation Corner Virtual Coffee Hour Lectionary:  Read the Lessons Here Coffee hour meets at 10:30! Formation CornerHere are some opportunities for group formation! Small Groups – Timing TBD. With social...

Fourth Sunday in Easter – May 3

Paul's Sermon Morning Prayer Lectionary Offertory Formation Corner Virtual Coffee Hour Lectionary:  Read the Lessons Here Coffee hour meets at 10:30! Formation CornerHere are some opportunities for group formation this week! Reconciliation Team (anti-racism)...

Third Sunday in Easter – April 26

Paul's Sermon National Cathedral Worship Offertory Lectionary Virtual Coffee Hour Formation Corner Click here to watch the worship service from the National Cathedral in Washington, DC, at 11:15 AM. Lectionary:  Read the Lessons Here Coffee hour meets at 10:30!...