Fast Fashion

How Can We Reduce Our Fast Fashion Environmental Impact? -a message from our Environmental Stewardship Team Buying a new outfit for a special occasion can be exhilarating for some folks. Shopping at outlet malls to stock up on inexpensive clothing feels good on your...

All Saints Day

The Episcopal Church dictionary gives the bare bones description of All Saints’ Day: Commemorates all saints, known and unknown, on Nov. 1. All Saints’ Day is one of the seven principal feasts of the church year, and one of the four days recommended for...

Tips for a Greener Halloween!

Our Environmental Stewardship Team is on a mission this year to educate our members about how to reduce our carbon footprints. This month’s topic is greening your Halloween celebration, an article contributed by Jaimie Deye! TIPS FOR A GREENER HALLOWEEN...

Who is in the center?

In recent months, the Christ Forward group has been having some interesting conversations around St. Paul’s mission and identity. One article we looked at came from the Diocese of Ohio and extolled the virtues of doing outreach with the Boomer generation...

Christian Education begins soon…at a new time!

After listening to feedback, we have decided to move the main education hour on Sunday mornings to 11:30-12:15! The following classes will be offered: Age 3 – 2nd grade: Godly Play (children’s chapel) Grades 3-5: Connect (library) Grades 6-12: Youth Group...