Reconciliation Team and Political Advocacy

The Reconciliation Team was formed last summer as part of the revitalized Outreach efforts and arose out of people’s interest in finding new ways to engage the world as people of faith. Although we don’t all meet together frequently, we keep in contact via...

What is Mysticism?

At St. Paul’s, we have chosen the theme of “mysticism” and the “mystics” as our Lenten focus. It is an apt choice, as mystics have much wisdom to share with us when we take the time to delve into their works. But what is mysticism?...

Ripples of Kingdom-Building

October 9, 2018 This past July, I was given a new job – Director of Christian Formation – and given the task of articulating what that means. How do we form faith, or live a life of discipleship?  How do we authentically reach out to our community?...