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Bible Study with the Rector

We have begun the Gospel of John. It is a facsisnating read. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm in a hybrid format. We are both in-person and online. It’s okay if you miss. Please come back or start up. Click here to join.

Episcopal Church Racial Justice Audit

On April 19th the Episcopal Church released an audit that is almost three years in the making, giving insight into race and power in the church, with nine patterns of systemic racism and eight recommendations moving forward. There are three upcoming webinars you can attend to learn more.

Book Club Meeting

Please join our continuing Book Discussions. We meet on Tuesday evenings at 6:30. You don’t need to join in for every book discussion! We have people who come because they are interested in a particular book.

All Saints' Day

Parish Necrology November 7 All Saints Day and our commemoration of All Souls Faithful Departed is November 1 & 2. We will celebrate these feasts on Sunday, November 7 at both services, 8am & 10am. Please submit names of your loved ones to The names will be read during prayers on November 7. Click here to learn more.