Permission to reprint, podcast, and stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-729516
Bible Study with the Rector
We have begun the Gospel of John. It is a facsisnating read. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm in a hybrid format. We are both in-person and online. It’s okay if you miss. Please come back or start up. Click here to join.
January Flowers
Please reach out to Claudia Stein if you are interested.
Chancel: 1/23 (1); 1/30 (2);
2022 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting is Sunday, February 6 at 11:30 am. The meeting will be both live and online via zoom. This is subject to change due to COVID. Click here for more information.
Book Club Meeting
Please join our continuing Book Discussions. We meet every second and fourth Tuesday at 6:30 PM. You don’t need to join in for every book discussion! We have people who come because they are interested in a particular book.