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Bible Study with the Rector
The Zoom Bible Study with the Rector at 11AM is being discontinued due to the return of in-person worship conflicting with the ability of most of the regular attendees to participate. Thanks for your understanding!
Episcopal Church Racial Justice Audit
On April 19th the Episcopal Church released an audit that is almost three years in the making, giving insight into race and power in the church, with nine patterns of systemic racism and eight recommendations moving forward. There are three upcoming webinars you can attend to learn more.
Resurrection Now
Sundays in Easter, 9AM. An adult class about deepening faith featuring video lectures from Richard Rohr. Led by Dr. Jennifer Vasquez.
Lectionary Study
Tuesdays in Easter, 4:30PM. A weekly gathering, led by Rev. Jeff Bunke, to explore the coming Sunday’s appointed scripture readings.
The Jerusalem Collection
Wednesdays during Easter, 5PM. A bible study on generosity and abundance, led by Pastor Julie Beitelschees.
New West Mission Area (WMA) website
The Episcopal parishes of Northwest Ohio have partnered to provide online Christian Education for everyone. Click to view the new WMA website with weekly Lenten Programming following a new model for parish collaboration.
Mary Anne Tigges StoryWalk at 577 Foundation
If you get a chance now that the weather is warming, take a trip out to the 577 Foundation and enjoy their new StoryWalk that was funded by a donation from the estate of Mary Anne Tigges. The first book featured is Honeybee: the Busy Life of Apis Mellifera, written by Candace Fleming and illustrated by Eric Rohmann.
This Little Light of Mine
The Environmental Stewardship Team has organized a fundraising campaign to purchase new LED tubes to retrofit the existing fixtures throughout the church. This was a recommendation from the 2019 Energy Audit. Please consider contributing to this great cause!
Building Faith Brick by Brick
Sundays in Easter, 11-11:30AM. An Intergenerational Class where you can explore Bible stories with Legos (or preferred medium)!
Book Club Meeting
The St. Paul’s Book Club is currently reading Call Your Daughter Home by Deb Spera. We use Zoom through the church account at 6:30PM on Tuesday evenings.
Wednesday Evening Bible Study
Wednesdays during Easter, 7PM. This weekly Bible Study will explore the Acts of the Apostles, using video lectures from Bishop Russell Kendrick. Led by Dr. Jennifer Vasquez.